Feb 9, 2011

Chapter 3 - Bridgework

Mindwork: Discover What You Know

Consult the bridgework prepwork you did in chapter 1 and, using your now refined topic, do a “brain dump”: list, map, outline, diagram, brainstorm, freewrite.  Form your topic into questions and subquestions:

What sources do I know already that I might consult?
The Pop Culture team teachers (lived experience), Patti Price (experience creating a new course at RBHS), Dr. Belinda Smith (did her dissertation on Lee School and integration), Dr. Roy Fox (media literacy guru)

What people might I ask or contact as resources?
Because I don’t really know Dr. Fox all that well personally (I have yet to take a class with him) I think this is a relationship worth working on and developing. 

Where would I go to find out more?
I need to find more secondary teachers who use cross disciplinary integration outside of our district, preferably with art education, but other disciplines might be suitable as well.

Mindwork: Try a Google-ography

How many options do you have for further, more focused search?
By searching the key terms “secondary art integration” I came across 17,000,000 hits – yowza.  This may be because they search for terms separately.  In terms of things that will work for more focused searching I was pleased to come across more examples of integrated programs.  Unfortunately, many of these were in music or utilized the arts as “guest stars” in the integration process (not TRUE integration).  This is criteria I will have to continually keep in mind as I sort through my results.

What do you know that you didn’t know before?
I ran across a secondary school in Singapore which utilizes arts integration in its HEArts Programme.  I located an abstract for a presentation/paper they did on the topic, but I couldn’t find additional information on the initial search.  It looks like I will have to dig deeper to find information on this particular program.  Here is the abstract:

The HEArts Programme is an innovative curriculum programme integrating History, Geography, English, Art and Music, offered to all Sec 1 and 2 Normal(Academic) and Express pupils in Boon Lay Secondary School (BLSS) since 2005. The curriculum integration uses a thematic approach to learning and developed by the school's teachers from across different disciplines and different levels of teaching experiences. This first paper will provide an introduction to the HEArts programme at Boon Lay Secondary School and update on the implementation of the programme since 2005. An added feature to the programme is the introduction of Literature for Sec 1 in 2006 and for Sec 2 in 2007. The curriculum was also realigned using the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach in 2006. The processes and challenges that the team encountered in developing and implementing the HEArts curriculum will be discussed.

Are there alternative keywords that might help you find more information?
Here are additional combinations I’ve been trying
  • Arts integration
  • Secondary art integration program
  • How to integrate secondary
  • High school integration
  • Dual credit art class
  • High school humanities
  • Art and English class
  • Art and social studies class
…. And still thinking!

Do you need to consult another electronic source?  Try another search engine?
I’ve found that MU’s summon (the digital database search engine) is extremely helpful.

What would you want to download or print? 
I ran across an article called “Enhancing student learning through arts integration: implications for the Profession” that was published in the High School Journal in 2008 that looks promising.  I’m not sure if MU subscribes to this publication so I am putting it on my list of things to look up.

What experts’ names crop up again and again, and how might your make use of their work?
Unfortunately there are not many repeated names using the google search.  I do know from previous research, however, that Paul Duncum, David Darts, and Kerry Freedman are some of the big names in Visual Culture art education.  I need to look into more giants of the integration world (a good question for Belinda perhaps).

Mindwork: Shape your working Bibliography

Do you need more current articles or books?
I think that my articles are relatively current (the majority are within the last 5 years).  I don’t have many articles from that past year, however, so a search for more current information should definitely be added to the to do list.

Can you eliminate some sources you initially thought were valuable?
This is a definite priority!  I have only read about half of these sources so far so I can’t say with full confidence what is quality and what is not.

Have you included enough different types of materials (book chapters, articles, websites, curriculum units) in your bibliography?  Or are they all part of the same genre?
As of now most of the articles are theoretical or from research (or research-based) publications.  It would be good to see if I could find any existing curriculum models to compare to my writings.

Where do you need to go next?  What do you wish you’d found?
I would really like to locate more examples of integration (specifically at the high school level, and even more specifically with visual art) as exemplars.  Though I’ve dug several times on the surface level I (again) need to dive deeper to see what else I can find.  I think this will be important in determining what has already been done.

Is this a time to revise or refine your research question?  If so, what would it look like?
I don’t think I need to do this just yet, but I may need to depending on the information I glean from reading my research material.

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