Feb 3, 2011

martha might be on to something...

i think we are often blinded from the potential for aesthetic moments in the everyday as we are caught in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines.

case in point: the unforeseen opportunities presented by being forcibly locked indoors due to the weather.  the snow days this past week have been a blessing in a frigid disguise.  jason and i decided to give martha a run for her money and make some cupcakes yesterday (yes, i am the luckiest girl in the world).  though we didn't make them from scratch (they were devils food cake mix and fun-fetti - childhood favorites!) the process of mixing, baking, and later decorating (jason jumped ship for this part) was a great way to make an otherwise ordinary day extraordinary - and artful.

this morning while icing these bad boys the cut paper hearts came about.  as i was putting on the finishing touches i looked down at the counter and saw this wonderful explosion of red and pink - from the paper, to the icing, to the towel, to the mixing bowl & whisk - down to my fuzzy red bathrobe.  wanting to capture this moment in its strawberry shortcake nostalgia glory i arranged an impromptu still life.

The experience left me curious about two things.

1) Food photography - orchestrating these objects was really fun!  might be an interesting photo assignment..

2) conceptual homework for students - potential questions to ask..  Have you ever been caught off guard by something beautiful hidden in the everyday?  What was it?  What made it noticeable?  What qualities (technically or conceptually) might you extrapolate on in your own artwork?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What beautiful photos. I see the aesthetic moment in all of these. Who are the fortunate recipients?